Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wilderness Trip intro.

As I sit here with my coffee, fried eggs and baby on my lap, I thought it would be a great time to explain the wilderness trip I am goin on in July. (Oh, wait, Jaycee needs the dog in her lap.  This post is going to take longer than normal.) Ok, back to the wilderness trip. (I get easily disstracted people.) In July I will be a sponsor for a youth group going to colorado for a week long wilderness hike/Find yourself/get closer with God trip.  I am the only female sponsor going with a couple males sponsors.  As of now there are 7 girls and 3 boys signed up. (I just thought I had seen cry fest before)  We will be hiking a in the wilderness, no trail, solely led by the teans. (In other words, we will be lost in the wilderness) for 3 days.  No toilet paper, no toothpaste, no hair products, makeup, pop, sugar.  They also have to cook their own food. (I have a feeling I am going to lose some weight on this trip) After that we will do some repeling down a mountain and the teens will have to spend a full 24 hours in 11 mile canyon by themselves with no food.  Only water, a bible, paper and their sleeping bag.  (NO TENT) Glad I am no longer a teen.  hehe  After that we will float the royal gorge and then spend a night in a cabin only to head home.  So my thoughts are not surrounded on the fact I will not be able to bring toilet paper but on what food I want to carry to hide for myself.  HA  I am already thinking of what to pack and I am thinking I might try and wear the same clothes for the whole three days.  Of course, I will bring a change just in case I rip my pants. (sorry JJ, my visions of me on facebook with a whole in the butt of my pants are not comforting.)  And then, the second dilema.  I am very very very afraid of heights.  This is something I have started praying about now.  I want to overcome this while I am there.  I want to repel, but I also have tried it before on a leadership thing and I could not do it.  If someone can just push me off the cliff....throw me....carry me....anything but me having to go to the edge of the mountain and look over and then crawl over.  Oh, and last, but I am sure not least, coffee.  I love my coffee with creamer and sugar in the mroning.  Oh, no, not an addiction, ok, maybe a little.  (That song, I will survive plays in my head as I write this.)  So now, let's talk about how freaked out the kids are.  The girls are already griping.  LOL  I think they will do wonderful if we can get them there.  I see this as a great opportunity for them to realize they can do things on their own and not need soemone there to guide them along every step of the way.  It will also be a great time of having no distractions (no cell phones, pagers, tape, I mean CD, I mean Ipods.)  to really get closer with God.  I also am excited about the time my father and I will get to spend with each other.  To end this, all I ask form you is to start prayhing for the kids that will be going and for myself and the other sponsors.  Pray that decisions will be made for God and that I can be a good role model and have the right encouraging words to say when needed. (I am not a very nurturing person, I need to work on this.)  I will write another blog after our meeting in Feb. (OK, another blog about the wilderness trip, you know your going to hear from me about something else before then.)  Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work. Titus 3:1


  1. I think you are one brave cookie and that it will certainly be an opportunity to be close to God. Being where there are no distractions to your thoughts and prayers can bring into focus what God is trying to tell you....and for every teen that can experience that, there is the opportunity to build a powerful man/woman living for the Lord. And....here is your first comment. :)

  2. I have always envied your relationship with God and your faithfulness all these years... there is not a better person to lead these kids closer to God!! Good luck in the wilderness, not sure I could go without necessities!!
